“The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help to improve its overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives.” (https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9001:ed-5:v1:en)
SPM quality policy is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking. These two approaches are aimed to take advantage of opportunities and to prevent undesirable results.
The PDCA cycle helps SPM to ensure that its procedures are properly resourced and handled and that opportunities for development are recognized and implemented.
On the other side, risk-based thinking helps SPM to make full use of opportunities when they occur.

Regarding the PDCA cycle, and risk-based thinking, SPM established its quality policy which consists of:

1. Cost reduction and on-time delivery to increase customer satisfaction
2. Supplying international hi-tech needs
3. Ensurement of sputtering targets with higher productivity or yield due to quality control
4. Risk-based thinking, communication, and team commitment for continuously improving SPM Quality Management System
5. Operating in a healthy, safe, and lawful working environment